Monday 29 December 2008

10km Final run of 2008

Decided to make this my final run of 2008 - so i was determined for it to be 10km, which is the furthest that i am running at the moment.

I haven't been feeling too good the last few days, so I was not interested in a quick time, just in getting round.

It was very cold and I was glad the Garmin found the satellite quite quickly. As i started I checked the time and was under 9.00, so I slowed down to 9.00 pace and tried to stay as near to that as I could.

The run felt uncomfortable, difficult, slow, long and cold.

However, in the end I finished off with a 56 minutes 23 seconds which is just over 9.00 pace. So i was pleased with that.

1 - 9.05
2 - 9.17
3 - 9.18
4 - 9.14
5 - 9.06
6 - 8.57

So that is it for 2008. Hoping to keep going in 2009, although the thought of running in cold weather does not inspire me at all!

Thursday 25 December 2008

5km Christmas Day

Christmas is not celebrated by everyone in Albania. In fact my mother-in-law went to the Post Office today and said that it was a normal working day.

I decided I would have time, with the boys off school to get a run in before lunch.
Unfortunately, I haven't been well this week and have a virus, so i decided that 5km should be the maximum for this run.

Decided not to time it nor do my heart rate, but at the last minute I took my Garmin with me.

As i started to run I saw a friend and I think that made me run a little quicker. I saw I was under 8.00 pace.
Too quick!

I don't know what it is about this course but the Garmin that is usually very accurate does not pick it up.It is about 200metres all the other runs over this course have to be unofficial , including my under 26 minutes PR for 5km.

There were far too many people on the roads, and a number of times I had to either take a slight detour rather than the shortest route possible. At one point I got squeezed between 2 card and had to run back and round them.
Still I felt good all the run.

As I came towards the end I felt I should up the pace, but was totally unaware of the 5km spot. I added a little onto the run, rather than my usual stop and checked the time at different spots.

I make it that i ran about 100 metres more than 5km.

My last check point was 26 minutes, so I reckon the time to be about 26 minutes 15 seconds.
I am making this my official record time for 5km.

I still feel I could have upped that and beaten it, but still it felt good.

I am a little cold now...which is not good. That was how I was feeling earlier in the week.
My chest was also bright red after the run. I was hoping it was the dri-fit shirt and the cold weather and not a rash. I am not convinced as yet what it is.

Here are the splits.
1 - 8.00
2 - 8.27
3 - 8.09
last - 7.27

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Day 97 - 3 month review

Time for a review.

It has passed 3 months since I started to run.
There are a lot of good things that have happened since then, and I am really pleased at the progress.

I did a 5km last Friday and that kept my goal of 15km a week through the winter period.
yesterday , I think, was the shortest day of daylight, so the nights should be getting lighter and spring should be on its way.

Not much chance of that, for a while.
I always feel that February is the coldest month in I reckon we have some cold weather to deal with, and I will see how things go.

Have been keeping the running going - so far so good.
Weight loss till now has been encouraging. The 3 month weight was 79.6kg
No injuries.
The desire to run is still there.

Just been at 2 weddings over the weekend, and with New Year coming up I can see the weight going back on. I am already back up over 80kg.
Not looking forward to running in the (very) cold weather.
4 weeks of almost non-stop rain have hindered me slightly.
Longer runs are more boring. I don't know if I should start using the i-pod. Unfortunately my ipod is too big and bulky for running and my wife is away today with her i-pod - which I would have tried. The other problem, is that running in Albania, you need to watch the cars, and with an i-pod, you sometimes can;t hear them speeding up behind you!

Told my wife to keep an eye on the New year sales for a new pair of running shoes when she is in the UK.
that may inspire me to get out running in the cold!

Monday 15 December 2008

Day 89 - slow 10km

Not having run for a few days, I was determined to get a run in today - especially as the forecast is more rain.

As it was dry, I went out as soon as I picked the boys up from school.

I programmed 10km on the Garmin and started to run.
the whole run just felt uncomfortable, slow, lethargic, heavy legs...nothing about it was very good.

Ran a reverse route, and that it made it slightly more interesting, but this is one of those days that running is not much fun!

10km in 1 hour 24 seconds.

1 - 9.06
2 - 9.38
3 - 10.25
4 - 9.58
5 - 9.56
6 - 10.04
end 6.45

Thursday 11 December 2008

Day 85 - Running in the rain

My boys were out of school early for a parents meeting, so after hearing the report on my eldest son, I thought I would get out for a quick 5km.

However, the rain started. Undeterred, I got ready, took off my glasses and headed out. It was raining lightly and I really thought it would go off, but it actually got heavier as I went round the course.
Never mind, it kept me cool.

I started off, and I knew I was running quickly - well quicker than normal.
I started to slow down a little as I convinced myself that I could up the pace nearer home rather than in the beginning.

At approx. 2 miles I checked my watch to find how far I had run, and saw that it was exactly 2 miles and the time a little over 17 minutes.
Immediately, psychologically I felt out of breath...
But, I decided that if I ran that pace it would be a PR - so I kept going.

As I came along the last 1km I felt out of breath, but could see I was running an easy pace, but quickly. As I turned onto the last 500 metres I managed to up the pace but without sprinting.

The final time was 25 minutes 58 seeconds.
8.20 pace

1- 8.35
2- 8.27
3- 8.04
final - 7.24

65% heart rate in Zone 5, so I was running a little faster than I should, or what is comfortable.

39 seconds quicker than my best 5km up till now.

Weigh In yesterday

Glad to still be under 80kg - but it seems to be itching to get back up over 80kg and New Year is approaching...

Monday 8 December 2008

Day 82 - 10km

This really is my first 10km.

the last one on 2 December was around 5-600 metres short of 10km. The cloudy, thundery day affected the reading.

Today is Bajram, a holiday in Albania, so I managed to get out in the morning for a run.
Checked my watch at a half mile and I was at 8.30 pace. Too fast.
Slowed down, but it was till 8.40 pace.
Slowed down again, and tried to run 9.30 pace.

I was trying to run in 9.00 pace for the 10km and to finish in 56 minutes.

I felt reasonably well during the run.
A slight feeling of cramp at the back of my right leg, from 3 miles onwards.
Feeling tired in general having had a late night, staying up to watch the Steelers-Cowboys game which had been on TV.

Didn't try to up my pace until the last few hundred metres and it was then that the satellite reception gave in.

Kept running and stopped at 56 minutes.
In fact 56 minutes 01 seconds....right at the 10km mark according to GMAPS.

here are my splits...
1- 8.55
2- 8.59
3- 9.18
4- 9.16
5- 9.13
6- 8.45
final - 7.30

My run started off in Zone 5 for the first mile but then dropped to Zone 4 for almost the whole run. I just didn't push myself at all.

Slight blister on my middle right toe, and chaffing on my left inside thigh. ( Man that is a pain. I should have wore my running tights - under my trackie bottoms of course! - I just don;t know what the Albanians would make of my running tights. I get enough strange loos without my tighter than tight running tights! But, today a woman did say to me as I ran by, "Oh ti, të lumtë" which roughly translated would be, "Good for you!")

Saturday 6 December 2008

5km - unofficial PR

Slightly disappointed again that I ran 5km quicker than ever before, but am unsure of my times. the Garmin misread the distance again. I double around the route, but it appears to be somewhere at the beginning that disrupts the Garmin.

however i knew where the 5km marker was and ran until then, and stopped the watch, only to find that it had registered until i got back to the house.

Around 3 km was 24 minutes 45 seconds.

So i reckon the time must have been around 26 minutes.

Bit disappointed that I have no way of knowing the actual reading.

Last weigh in was last Wednesday which was 79.4 kg.
Again surprised by that, as it was the lowest reading for the week, and I have ben over 80kg twice since then, so I think 80kg would be a truer reading.

Still I am encouraged and in all the rain that has fallen, and it was thunder and lightning a minute ago, I am glad that i have run more this wee than any other week.

1 - 8.24
2 - 8.14
3 - 8.32

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Day 76 - 5km

( I have left this post as I first wrote it. having written it, I remembered a funny read out from my Garmin including an area that I did not run. Strange - so I checked it on GMAPS ... and I realise that I only ran 4.7km. So, that is the reason for the super-fast time. I am annoyed now...not that I did not run the time below...but that I did not get my TRUE personal record. With only less than 300 metres to go I would have still had a PR and blasted my last time. Still the next PR may only be one run away.)

After running 10km last Sunday, and with rain forecast, I was thinking of a run towards the end of the week - give me a chance to rest, and also a chance for the weather to improve.

However, I suddenly realised that if the rain stayed off, I could get out for a quick run this evening - so I headed off for a 5km.

To start with, I just felt good. I felt strong, no pain in the legs and I decided on a different route.
there were a number of things in my favour tonight.
- the weather was warm
- new trousers, not cotton
- an unexpected run, always feels better
- a new route

Well, it was not exactly a new route....
It started off just outside my house and quickly cut into my usual last 500 metres...then I ran an old route - even doubling part of it to get up to 5km. Anyway, it always feel good running close to the house.

As I say, I just felt good the whole run.
I used the trainer on my garmin and could see I was ahead.
Having set the 5km to 25 minutes I was surprised but kept kicking on. Checked again and could see that I was still up....

I had to change the screen to see the distance, to make sure I was running 5km, and also to know when I could think on raising the pace.
It worked out really well and as I came to the home stretch of approximately 500 metres I felt I was kicking on at a good pace.
the only problem was the watch still had me under 3 miles. I saw I was on a really good time so I just tried to keep going. I suddenly realised that to keep going would mean crossing a busy street....but just as I got there the cars flew by and left me a clear way across.

Quick check of the watch...

It was touch and go to break 25 minutes....

So I sprinted.

Man that felt good.
I run 3 miles and I still can sprint full out.( This must be my first real sprint in years!)

Looked at my watch and it had stopped at 5km.

24 minutes 54 seconds!
- a new PR. ( Wow just checked and that is 103 seconds quicker than my previous PR for 5km)

1 - 8.04
2 - 8.14
3 - 8.04
The last stretch, my Garmin had me at 5.34 pace

That is 8.00 minute pace.
Now you would think I would be pleased...but I sit here thinking that 7.59 pace would have sounded a whole lot better, and had I not been delayed a millisecond by a cyclist at a blind corner, then it may have made all the difference.

Still, I am really pleased with my progress.