Tuesday 30 September 2008

Day 14 - Struggling

Today was a holiday - Bajram.

Nice an easy day, and went for a run a little earlier than usual. The route that is normally quiet was crowded.
Maybe I am selfish, but now that it is MY route, I don't want lots of people walking and milling around. I got delayed by 2 cars that could not squeeze past each other, and it looked like it was the call to prayer as whole families walked to the mosque!

But that was the least of my worries.
I did some stretching exercises before starting, and almost immediately felt a cramp like pain in the back of my right leg. Then, turning to the main straight I juts felt plain bad. Running on empty. I decided at least to make it to half way, and was urging myself on to put pain at the back of my mind.
What a wimp, if I can't run a mile!
So I kept going. I was sure I was running ultra-slow and was just looking at finishing. I did not want to stop as psychologically felt this would be a set back. In the end I made it, feeling encouraged at overtaking a cyclist as I made it towards home.

Time - a very surprising 10 mins 43 secs.
That is seven seconds quicker than yesterday!, and the quickest I have so far run. Almost a minute up on my first attempt at the mile.

I did not think I was running quicker than yesterday.
However, i am not too encouraged, more disappointed as the last 2 runs felt good, and this one felt bad.
Still glad that I run, as tomorrow will likely be a rest day given that I am teaching at church in the evening.

Total miles run for September - approx. 7 miles

Monday 29 September 2008

Starting to Run

Here are some web sites that might help if you are thinking of starting to run!

Couch to 5k


Running Injury Free ( lot of good advice here!)

Day 13

Yesterday was a day of rest , so back out today.

To be honest, was not looking forward to it. Feeling kind of lazy regarding running today. I think I would have far rather gone out earlier...but I ended up going out about 7.15pm.

This run was a little hectic as it was the night of Bajram and a LOT of people and cars on the road. This made me a little apprehensive, but it probably took my mind off the run. By the time I was half way round , I realised that a few of my mental checks (the barber shop, the shoemaker) had passed unnoticed.

I really felt good this run, and thought i must be cruising and not going particularly fast. As i finished I really felt very easy and was surprised to see the mile done in 10mins, 50 seconds. That is a full TWO seconds quicker than last time.

have not been keeping my eye on the watch recently as my aim is to complete
10 x 1 mile runs ( done 4 already)
10 x 2 mile runs
then go for 3 miles ( roughly 5km)
I hope to be doing 3 mile runs comfortably by the end of October.

Been encouraged today.
feeling good. eating a little less, and hoping to see some weight off. My stomach feels like it is pulling itself in, so I'm hoping to be under 84kg at the next weigh in. (2 days away)

Saturday 27 September 2008

Day 11 - Steady

1 mile run late this evening.

10 mins 52 seconds. A full 45 seconds quicker than the last 2 days.

3rd run of a mile in 3 days.
Quicker time.
Psychologically, I ran through times I thought I might not make it to the end of the run.
Continued with 12 press ups today.

More visitors - more eating.
This run tonight was quicker but I also felt I had run enough. I couldn't have gone on any further.
Think I need a rest.

Overall, very encouraged at the progress.
Forecast rain tomorrow, and am planning a full day rest, as I am taking the teenage class to the movies in the evening.

Friday 26 September 2008

Day 10 - Progress

Back out for a run after the thunderstorm.

Was a beautiful day and I was looking forward to a run. then the rain came on, but as I was busy, by the time I was finished the rain was off and I got back out for a run.

1 mile = 11 mins 38 seconds. ( 1 second down on yesterday's time, although I had a couple of delays on the run)

Felt really good!
Enjoyed the run tonight!

Just running straight off is far better than the "couch to 5k plan".

Thursday 25 September 2008

Day 9 - Running backwards

One giant step for man...two giant steps backwards.

Weigh in yesterday = 84.7 kg.
Almost 1kg up on last week! ( Ouch, ouch and double ouch!)

Now, i am consoling myself that last weeks weigh in came after a run, and this weeks came after a heavy meal, so the difference may not be THAT much, but it has been a poor week.

Encouraging things:
I started running, and have the desire to run more.
I have been eating more healthily.
Press ups were completed. ( the last 2 days I did 12 without stopping. really felt good about that!)
I have cut down on fizzy drinks and am drinking Zero-Coca Cola, when i do.

Negative things:
Heavy rain...that has dampened my progress.
Cold that stopped me running for a couple of days.
I have been eating more healthily - emphasis this time on MORE!( not really my fault. My Italian sister-in-law just sent a hunk of Italian cheese and sausage!)
I want to run, but have negative thoughts that I will fail.
I do not drink enough water.

My present view is to start running...not the couch to 5k program but just plain running, slow and as far as I feel comfortable to do.
Probably won't be much, but I need to cut down on food intake.
The Ryder Cup didn't help as I munched through packets of salted peanuts.

Joe's blog is still a MASSIVE encouragement!

Just back from a run.
This time I just ran. No walking, and I did a mile in 11 minutes 37 seconds.
This was a slow run, a pace just a bit quicker than a very quick walk, but it still felt good!
Very pleased with myself for making it!
I'm sure I could have run more - and in fact had a real desire to go the "extra mile", but chose to break myself in slowly.
Also trying to cut back on my food intake, but very encouraged today after a poor day yesterday!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Day Seven

The only thing running today is my nose!

I have a cold and almost lost my voice. I think it came from getting caught in a couple of thunderstorms last week rather than out running, although it could have come from the last run that was quite cold and windy.
I have to speak at church tomorrow, so a run today is out of the question as I try to look after my voice and not do anything to make it worse.

Disappointed and frustrated at the moment.

Monday 22 September 2008

Day Six

Wow - there's a shock!

Just did my BMI test.
1 metre 75cm : 84 kg = 27.42
That is in the middle of overweight!
Now I knew that I needed to lose a little weight, but I thought 5kg would get me well down to normal.

Now I find that i need to lose SIX kg just to break into normal.

That would mean that I need to lose 8-10 kg to be in the middle of normal.
I guess I need to cut back on what I eat.

Next weigh in is 2 days, but I seriously am not expecting much below last weigh in. I know I have been exercising, but I also have been eating normally - maybe a little more than normal :-(

I am feeling okay today. Putting running to the back of my mind. I will see how much time, weather and how I feel for a run in the evening.

Got ready for a run, but as i went out for the boys from school at 4pm the rain started and the wind blew up. I was really disappointed as I wanted to do a run as far as I could without stopping.
Later, i started to feel a little ill, with a temperature and I have a slight cold, and the rain got heavier so I am glad I never went for the run.

Complete day of rest today.
been following the advice " feed a cold and starve a fever"...and I have diagnosed myself as a cold so I am not looking forward to the next weigh in.

Sunday 21 September 2008

Day Five

No run today.
Day of rest!

To be honest I am glad of the rest as I feel pretty weak. I guess that I will feel worse before I feel better - and that for a few weeks the running will be more of a pain than pleasure.

My bones are creaking and I am not sure whether to continue the press ups or not.
Cycling on my bike with the boys today, i really felt my legs heavy, so I was glad not be having a run tonight. The wind was blowing again like yesterday. The next couple of days are forecast rain, so i am hoping it will be dry enough at least one day to let me get a run in during the evening.

Just did the push ups for today.
2, 3, 2, 2, and last 3.
Man that was a struggle. Seriously, I am beginning to question how unfit I am!

Friday 19 September 2008

Day Four

Really was looking forward to a run today.

Was thinking of different things i see on my run.
It is a fairly short route and I run it twice, but I still like passing the barber shop, the man repairing shoes, the guys playing billiards, the mosque( I never knew there was one there before) and the carpenter's shop. I will post photos of some of these one day.

Anyway, I got out for a run this evening and am not long back.

I had thought the day off would help my muscles but i was feeling worse today than yesterday. I ate muesli for breakfast, spaghetti and shrimps for lunch and a banana in the afternoon. I felt good about my diet. Unfortunately I really thought I would see them all again on the run, as I felt physically sick at one point.

The first minute was really good and light running, I was enjoying myself.
The rest period dragged on and I was pleased to be at the second minute of running. Then I felt bad, my legs were sore, the muscles were burning and I was really glad to get the rest period. I turned the corner for the longest stretch of the run and the wind was strong in my face, I started wishing I hadn't come for a run. This was not fun.
I started to think of doing a half run, and the wind was giving me negative thoughts.
By the time I reached the end of the straight I was beginning to console myself that at the turn the wind would be at my back. Little chance. The wind dropped, but I made it quickly back to the start and was on my second lap. Each rest period seemed further away and I was really struggling the last 10 seconds of each run. I was running like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame. It certainly couldn't have been pretty to watch!
This time the wind seemed to have died down a little and I had more difficulty in pressing on to the end of the one minute of running.
As I turned to the back straight I knew I was in difficulty, but with only one more minute of running I convinced myself to put pain at the back of my mind, stop being a wimp and finish the run.That minute ended with a big feeling of "I'm going to be sick". I had no strength to walk back to the start at any great pace and I arrived 20.29 seconds.

A new record, but to be honest I was just happy to finish without throwing up!

I am sore all over, I think some muscles are aching from the 100 push ups course I started yesterday.

No fun today at all!

Don't know when I will be back out.
Tomorrow I plan a day of rest.

I have convinced myself that the main problem was dehydration. I drink very little water, and often have problems when flying due to dehydration. I have already tried cutting back on Coca-Cola, and am drinking fruit juice, but I see that I need to increase the water intake.

A little discouraged today. Think I won't have lost any weight as well.
Next weigh in - 4 days.

Day Three

No run today.

In truth i think a rest will do me good, but I was really looking forward to running and maybe completing the circuit in 20minutes.
All day I have been thinking of the route and looking forward to getting back out, but we planned on visitors staying the night but they could not come. This resulted in my wife paying them a visit, so i am at home with the boys.

Disappointed, but really i should take this slowly. The plan i am on is for 3 runs a week.
I have done 2 in 2 days , so I should not be too quick in trying to achieve my goals.

As a consolation I tried out the 100 push up course that I found on Joe’s website.
The schedule is for 3 times a week, so between running 3 times a week and push ups 3 times a week, I should be able to do them alternative days and still get a complete day of rest!

I am the world’s worst at push ups.
I can do a really good push up. I get down low, the body is straight and my chest touches the ground, and then as I push up, my wrists just burn, and give in. And that is that, one really good push up!
Well, if people were watching and asking me to prove myself, i probably could go to maybe 10 but I would totally wasted by the end, and would only do that to prove some kind of macho image for myself.

Therefore I went for stage one.
2 push ups - rest 60 seconds
3 push ups – rest 60 seconds
2 push ups - rest 60secs
2 push ups – rest 60 seconds
At least 3 push ups.

The first push up was accompanied with cracking of bones and I really thought I wouldn't make the second one. It was only the thought of 60 seconds of rest that made me carry on.
In the end I completed day one's schedule and the final set with 5 push ups!

I was encouraged by that, although out of breath and actually starting a sweat! ( How out of shape can a man be!?)
However, I think at the end of the week I will repeat week one, as I still feel I will struggle in the future.

Between push ups and running, I would far rather go running!

Thursday 18 September 2008

What is this blog all about?

Well, actually it is totally inspired by this website.

I've been following Joe's progress this past year and been really impressed.

I am 44 years old.
I weighed 70kg when i got married 10 years ago and now i weigh near to 85kg. In fact after New year I was 85kg, felt terrible, tired out too quickly and with little physical effort.
I decided I needed to do something about it.

Therefore in Spring I started to work out on my wife's exercise bike. I managed to lose 3kg and was really encouraged. Then the bike broke!
I then went to Scotland, where the standard of food is unhealthy. ( you can google "deep fried mars bars" or look here.( a local specialty!)

I returned to Albania almost back to my 85 kg.
It was hot, I sweated too much and finally decided enough was enough.
I also hated some photos of me that make me look fat, and everyone says it is a great likeness( ouch!).

So, I went to the stall at the bottom of our apartment and bought a pair of trainers and yesterday started to run.

I am following this guide.
Couch to 5km run in 2 months.

I won't be advertising this site too much and the aim is not really to publicize what i am doing, but rather keep a diary of my progress.

I get the feeling I will discouraged ( especially in the cold nights), but if you stop by, please post and encouragement. It will mean a lot to me and maybe just be what is required to keep me running...

Day Two

Feeling good today.
Drove the route I run and found it was 2.75km.(1.7 miles)
I only ran 8 minutes and was not very tired at the end, but still I felt I wouldn’t manage another circuit (1.3km – 0.8 miles).

Looking forward to trying another run tonight.

(A couple of hours before the run, and after reading felt remarkably tired and dozed off for an hour. Now, feeling remarkably lethargic and not up for the run.Feeling bloated a little)

Just back from the run.
Far more difficult than yesterday. To be honest yesterday I jogged at “slow” pace not to overdo it. The 90 second rest period were too long and to be honest I was ready to run at 60 seconds. Tonight was different. Maybe my muscles had not had time to recover, but I really needed the 90 seconds tonight. I kept looking at my watch at around 45 seconds thinking “ let’s hope it’s not time to run yet!”.
I pushed myself harder at the running and was really confident I could shatter yesterday’s time by completing the 2 circuits in 20 minutes.
In the end i did it in 20.59seconds.

Next weigh in in 6days.

Day One

Day One 17 Sept 2008 – 23 mins 10 sec.
First run. Well to be honest walk and run.
60 seconds running then 90 seconds walking. When I hit 20 minutes I walked the rest, but I almost made it back to the start by the end of the 20minutes.
Felt good, little pain in the back of my right leg, but no other troubles.For first day felt a lot better than I thought it would.
Slight groin twinge when I got home – maybe need to do the stretch exercises a bit before I start out..

Weigh in 83.8kg